Ten Towns • Ten Actions


A Resource for Rethinking Plastic Waste in Your Community

Is it time for deposit-return in NH?

We think so! 

Resources on Bottle Bills

Principles for Reuse in EPR and DRS (NOTE: EPR = Extended Producer Responsibility and DRS = Deposit Return Systems)

Goal of the Ten Towns · Ten Actions Toolkit

The Ten Towns • Ten Actions Toolkit is a menu of concrete actions, ready-made templates, and technical support started by ten volunteers — many of whom have already been successful in effecting change in their communities and all willing to help others rethink plastic. The goal of the Toolkit is to inspire and guide community leaders, catalysts, champions, and others in accomplishing actions toward plastic waste reduction and zero waste strategies, and also to track and celebrate the accomplishments publicly through regular, coordinated media announcements and events.

For some history, see our Ten Towns Toolkit Today Newsletters.

Click the green button below to go to the Overview Statement to learn more:

Have fun exploring the Toolkit using any of the 3 sections below. 

We recommend using the Start Here section first, but that isn't required.

You can Choose a Partner and then Choose an Action, or go straight to Choose An Action. 

Learn about the Toolkit framework 

Discover potential partners in your community

Explore the menu of actions!

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After you complete an action, please let us know! 

Click the "Share Your Accomplishments" button above to complete a form with information about the action and its impact.

Completed Actions = 138 in 2022 + 91 in 2023

Directly impacted = 3,325 people

Estimated indirect impact = 13,068 individuals

 Ten Towns • Ten Actions Map

Click on the Map below to see all of the Towns! Complete list here.

= Original Ten Towns Member

Ten Towns • Ten Actions Toolkit Checklist

The Ten Towns • Ten Actions Toolkit Checklist is a quick reference tool that identifies the framework area and potential partner for each action. 

To download the checklist and keep track of your own progress, hover over the top right corner to locate the download button. Once downloaded, look for the Google Sheets File menu. From there you can Make a copy to keep track of actions you complete and the date.

Be sure to let us know about your progress in the "Share Your Accomplishments" form above so we can help you celebrate your success!

Ten Towns • Ten Actions Toolkit Checklist - Jan 2022

Ten Towns • Ten Actions Leader Resource Team

Congrats to Beyond Plastics on its 5th Birthday! 

Our own Christina Dubin, Senior Organizer for Beyond Plastics, (top left) was featured in an email on January 24th highlighting Beyond Plastics' 5th year. We are enormously proud of Christina and feel so fortunate to have her as a member of the NH Network's Plastics Working Group!