Actions In Progress
Nelson -12-4-23 - Patsy - met with the Nelson Conservation Commission to consider actions to educate residents about solutions to plastic pollution.
Nelson/Harrisville- 10/23/22 - Patsy: Catching up on website updates; watched Mary in Harrisville deliver plastic film recycling to Hannaford’s; high volumes being collected
Nelson -10-9-22 - Patsy - will be updating website with minutes and working on the next newsletter; published an LTE on 9/12 focused on landfill law and on incineration; talking with member of the Nelson Conservation Commission who is considering modeling Harrisville activities in Nelson.
Nelson - 8/14/22- Patsy: LTE on Plastic Free July published in Keene Sentinel. Put out Ten Towns August Newsletter. Met with three people in Peterborough that want to start a regional group.
Nelson - 6/19/22- Patsy: Added alternatives to SUP to the Ten Towns website including information from Surfrider. Also started a page on the website on bottle bill legislation. Hope to get Peterborough and Keene involved in TT. Hope to get a statewide press release out on Plastic Free July.
Nelson - 5/20/22- Patsy: Kearsage group getting press release for Plastic Free July; Susan, Patsy and Kristine will work on that; Getting Ten Towns Today newsletter ready for June; Sounding board for Mary for June; Cheshire Academy panel with Christina, Josh Arroyo, Elm City Compost rep.; Working on 10towns website: Action of the month, Ten Towns Today Newsletter now under “Success Stories”; Actions now a list of towns and will be linked to a town page that show actions in progress and those completed;
Nelson 4/24/22 - Patsy has been making updates to the TTTA website; Earth Day display up in the library, newsletter in the works; clean up day in Nelson; attended NRRA Recycle Right campaign info session
Nelson - 4/10/22 - Patsy collaborated on a library book display; shared Dover Green Tips/newsletter; helps Harrisville
Harrisville/Nelson - 3/27/22 - Mary & Patsy met with KSC Call program; will host expert panel for Plastic Free July month - Christina, Melissa Gates, Joshua on the panel; collecting foam over 3 months; conscious of carbon footprint for transporting foam; newsletter publications ongoing promoting NexTrex and Terracycle; impacting other on plastic wrap considerations; “Read - Return - Repeat” messaging in online newsletter and library; new action to introduce plastic pollution education into stem/art classes; resources on ‘craftivism’; Google Analytics for the Ten Towns Toolkit
Nelson - 3/13/22 - Patsy sent a newsletter to launch attendees; will approach librarian about climate book display
Actions Completed
Monthly "Ten Towns Today" newsletters have been emailed to those who attended the Ten Towns Toolkit Launch on February 7th and others who have expressed interest. The newsletters are in the Success Stories section of the website.
Reader Opinion: In July, refuse to use single-use plastic refuse
by Patricia Beffa-Negrini in the Keene Sentinel. Published July 6, 2022
by Patricia Beffa-Negrini in the Keene Sentinel. Published August 23, 2022
Until Aug. 26, you have the opportunity to weigh in on the N.H. Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP).