Resolution or Warrant Article to Rethink Plastic
Propose a Local Resolution or Submit a Warrant Article
Definition of a resolution: A resolution is a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by the Town Selectboard or City Council.
Definition of a warrant article: Warrant articles are developed by individuals, groups or elected officials, often in response to concepts or opportunities they identify primarily to improve Town functions.
Read and Review
Step 1a: Download the Dover Resolution* template
Step 1b. Read about warrant articles on the NH Municipal Association website and in this article by the League of Women Voters (MA). Review the Carbon Cash-Back Warrant Article Petition for an example of language to use. You might want to propose a warrant article to the effect of "all city/town events will be zero-waste by 2030."
Modify Templates
Step 2: Download a copy of the Dover Resolution template and modify the language to reflect your town's or city's name or modify the Carbon Cash-back petition to reflect your town or city’s name and propose warrant article language for your town that addresses plastic pollution.
Contact Your Town Official or Administrator
Step 3: Present your resolution to an official partner on your city council/town select board for approval. If you chose to work on a warrant article, contact your Town Administrator to find out the deadline for submitting warrant article petitions in your town/city and the number of signatures needed to have the warrant article submitted by petition.
Collect Signatures
Step 4: If you are working on a warrant article you will need to collect signatures. Mail or email the petition to neighbors asking for signatures or "table" in front of a local business, at your library, or at your recycling/transfer station. Bring a clipboard and a pen. After people sign, thank them, ask them to tell their friends, and to vote “yes” on the warrant article at Town Meeting.
Be Prepared to Speak
Step 5: Be prepared to speak and answer questions on the warrant article at Town Caucus and Town Meeting.
Build on Your Resolution or Warrant Article
Step 6: Consider how you can build on your resolution or warrant article by asking your library to host a display, offer a community presentation, or create a ‘Take the Challenge’ community campaign.
Ten Towns • Ten Actions Leader Resource: Kristine Baber
Dover Resolution (PDF)